Vanitas series: version one
This is the initial piece in what hopefully is destined to be a new series of work rather than simply an idea that peters out and dies. I’m aware I’m possibly working on too many things at the same time. […]
This is the initial piece in what hopefully is destined to be a new series of work rather than simply an idea that peters out and dies. I’m aware I’m possibly working on too many things at the same time. […]
August 28 – August 30, 11.00-19.30 August 31 – September 4, 11.00-17.00 I’d still like to see the Governor… takes place at Brewery Tap (UCA’s Project space) in conjunction with the Folkestone Triennial. This is the second opportunity […]
After the 2nd World War the Forestry Commission planted a lot of pine trees. These pine trees are all over the Blean where I am walking today. I noticed signs saying Forest Operations and the pine trees that had been […]
New to the site so, Im introducing myself by blogging some pictures of my graffiti art Murals
We spoke to no body, saw no one and walked together in total silence. Cosmo in his world and me in mine. Just walking in silence and thinking things over….and over. I don’t know what Cosmo thinks about, but he […]
I specificaly wanted to walk today on what my wife calls the Wild Wood Walk…. it’s actually the Wildart Trail…but Wild Wood is fine. By total coincidence I can see a sign on the entrance gate, says….Wildart Day…Open to all…Family….be […]
I’ve noticed fairly recently that sitting down and having rests on the dog walk is perfectly OK. It never used to be that way, and if I stopped to chat to somebody or just sat to look at the view […]
Adrian Lane, visual artist and musician
If one year equals 7 dog years; Me and Cosmo embarked on our middle age together, and I looked to him for inspiration for a new body of work!
Am I an artist who writes or a writer who makes art? Are these hybrids even possible? Should I even have a blog here? I was hoping you might tell me…
Upon entering the exhibition space the sculpture Pipe Smoker greets you. This is quickly followed by the obligatory vinyl text blurb on the white wall situated next to a line of exhibition posters which allow an insight into the breadth […]
Among the 1200-plus works in this year’s Royal Academy Summer Exhibition is a huge text painting by Bob and Roberta Smith, featuring the transcript of a harrowing interview with a doctor recently returned from Syria.
Added Bright to my name as homage to my Dad who inspired my love of art.This blog is about my journey through the BA and MA. Looking back it’s interesting to see how I keep returning to swimming as a theme. But hopefully with greater depth of understanding each time.
This year’s BP Portrait Award has been won by Susanne du Toit for her painting of her eldest son, Pieter.
On Self-Portraiture, a collaboration between Brook Hobbins, a sculptor and myself.
Each post, in fifty words or less, will document thoughts, processes and progresses on the following projects: Walking and Drawing; Performing Drawing and Waiting and Drawing. Why fifty words? I tend to waffle, so it will be good practice in […]
In keeping with my Twitter name @ruthrandom, a freer more in-the-moment blog. Expect anything.
The Walker Art Gallery is hosting a series of debates, talks and tours that will interrogate the role of painting in contemporary art.