Some Resin Work
Sometimes it is just hard to focus. Trying to experiment and develop feels like the hardest thing to do as pressures, emotions, and other commitments block and scrambles one’s progress. I don’t feel inspired, I don’t feel driven. It is […]
Delighted to be included in ‘We Called Yesterday Today’ – Cupola Contemporary Art Christmas show. And very happy that my painting ‘Query’ is in the publicity! Opening tomorrow evening from 7:30. Welcome to Sheffield event listing
Come along to view paintings, prints, reproductions and a few of my Daily Drawings sketchbooks! Little Nomad Gallery, Keighley Arts Hub 5 November – 17 December 2022 “Vivid, gestural oil paintings display a fascination with facial expressions. Viv has the […]
Very excited to announce my solo show ‘Familiar Strangers’ starting next weekend at Little Nomad Gallery, Keighley. The opening event is next Saturday 5 November 2pm. There will be paintings, screenprints, wine and nibbles and friendly chat – come along!
Been a bit quiet lately. Unable to access the studio at the moment as the building is undergoing some refurbishment work. I’ve some exciting exhibition news – ‘Response (2022)’ (shown) is now available from Cupola Contemporary Art; and in November […]
A blog about new my artwork, research and learning at level 6 of my Fine Art degree.
A review of “How to Get Attention When You’re Drowning” at Cheap Cheap Gallery, co-curated by Dinosaur Kilby and Yasmyn Nettle
I have recently started on a new series of works, somewhat larger than normal and inspired by my previous doodlings of strange insect like creatures and also my garden series. It is at a very early stage but it will […]
Research into a Series of workshops based on recollecting memories about the Mother and finding the space occupied by the Mother.