Rates of pay for artists
A guide for artists and people who are paying artists to negotiate a fair rate of pay
for short-term work
A guide for artists and people who are paying artists to negotiate a fair rate of pay
for short-term work
A budget is an essential tool for any artist planning a new project, making a funding application or drawing up a business plan, while a-n’s Exhibition Payment Guide asks artists to provide a clear exhibition proposal and budget in advance of negotiation. This guide by the Cultural Enterprise Office in Glasgow offers straightforward advice on how to construct and manage a simple budget.
a-n’s Exhibition Payment Guide says artists should make sure they provide clear evidence of their work and experience when approaching a gallery with a proposal. This quick guide offers advice on the main areas to consider when developing a proposal, and includes tips on what to include when responding to an approach from a gallery or making a speculative pitch.
In the first part of her Negotiating with confidence guide, Rivca Rubin, a trainer-facilitator-mediator, coach and mentor, discusses how structure, attitude, and the ‘power of words’ can facilitate successful negotiations.
In the second part of her guide to negotiations, Rivca Rubin discusses how through active language choices, we can create more satisfied and invigorated negotiations with galleries, organisations and commissioners.
a-n/AIR’s Exhibition Payment Guide calls for written confirmation of exhibition and financial details in the form of a contract or letter of agreement. This quick guide offers 12 key points an agreement should cover.
Negotiation is one of the four core principles of a-n/AIR’s Exhibition Payment Guide. This quick guide offers 10 tips for better negotiation.
Sectoral guidance and framework, produced by a-n and AIR as an outcome of the Paying Artists Campaign, providing specific advice on payments within the context of exhibitions or other visual arts presentation to the public.
A best practice reference guide to use when creating an agreement for a solo or group exhibition with a gallery or organisation presenting visual arts. You can also use the a-n Contracts Toolkit to build a contract to the specific exhibition context, and this checklist will support you with this.
Proactively seeking out opportunities to realise exhibitions and projects is an important strategy in the arts. Adam Smythe, Curator at the Bluecoat in Liverpool, gives some advice on the best methods of approaching galleries with exhibition proposals for your own work or for curatorial projects.
Guidance for organisations on how to shape policy statements on Exhibition Payment. Produced in support of a-n/AIR’s Exhibition Payment Guide, which calls for organisations to be transparent in their working practices with artists by publishing clear and transparent payment information.
Created specially for the Paying Artists Campaign by artist Dan Thompson, the Artist-Led Manifesto sets out the principles of fair payment for artist-led groups and collectives who may be in receipt of public funds, but who may also operate without funds at the directive of the artists involved.
Tips on negotiating and agreeing contracts in line with a-n’s Exhibition Payment Guide.
This guide by Sheena Etches and Nicholas Sharp outlines issues and practicalities to be aware of when negotiating and agreeing a contractual arrangement.
This guide by Sheena Etches and Nicholas Sharp looks at how to handle contractual disputes, and how to terminate or re-negotiate contracts.
A contract is an agreement between two or more people that is legally binding. It can be verbal or written. This guide by Sheena Etches and Nicholas Sharp outlines the essential ingredients of a contract, offer and acceptance, and implied terms.
Although a contract need not be in writing to be legally valid, the advantages of having a signed written contract usually easily outweigh the risks of not having one.
This toolkit is an introduction to the contractual process, enabling artists to assess contracts and to build their own.