my work and its inspiration
At the start of my blog, I want to talk a bit about my whole pactice at the moment and what my main aims are. My practice at the moment is now focusing on ‘performance’. The reason to why it’s […]
At the start of my blog, I want to talk a bit about my whole pactice at the moment and what my main aims are. My practice at the moment is now focusing on ‘performance’. The reason to why it’s […]
These words as I write encompass possibilities. Yes, if I wanted I could choose to defy the linear nature of the structure and conventions of the written paragraph. I could explode the visual layout and present in an alternative format […]
‘Reading the Room’ is a movement-research workshop running from February – June 2021 and forms part of my 2020 a-n Development Bursary activity.
I wanted to distort the actual work this time. I wasn’t sure of this while creating The Haze of Social Media, I was scared to damage the breasts but I became more confident and decided to place the breast in a cup […]
Due to the pandemic, an exhibition of our work at Public Space One in Iowa City had to be postponed. Scheduled to coincide with the run up to the US Election, we had planned to make illusions and installations that […]
Here’s Week 8: It was the last week of this R&D process. And I approached the rehearsal with mixed feelings. There was excitement. There was a bit of sadness. There was a lot of frustration. And there was some relief […]
Sermon – On the seventh beatitude a reconstructed pulpit normally associated with the performance of a philosophical or theological presentation, is used on this occasion as a platform, which invites the audience to individually ascend the spiral stairs and stand in view […]
Flesh and Blood a kneeler reconstructed from reclaimed pallet wood, invites the audience to perform the act of kneeling in front of a mirror. From this position the participant confronts their own reflection and words of affirmation burnt in reverse into the wooden frame of […]
The second in the series of Geometric sculptures, the Icosahedron, made it’s first appearance at National Trust property Sandham Memorial Chapel this March 2020, in a group exhibition of contemporary art by CAS Artists called Saturated Space. In platonism and […]
Here’s week 7: It was my first week back into the studio after the Xmas break. I was feeling so tired and drained that it felt almost impossible to do anything while being in the studio. My mind was still […]
Online performance piece using Zoom. Part of an the Unshut Festival of performance art.
Here’s week 6: The little interruption I had the previous week proved to be quite beneficial. I approached that studio session with some clarity and more confidence about where the piece is heading. In the morning, I took some time […]
Here is Week 5: Change of gear in the process. I took a break from the template I’ve been using since the first studio session and decided instead to revisit certain improvisation moments from the previous rehearsals that still resonated until […]
This is a short improvisation on the music of Susanne Sundford. I was halfway through the R&D process for this new Solo (H.F.). I had just entered the Studio at Centre 151 and felt in the very introspective mood having […]
Here’s Week 4: I entered the studio with some doubts but still willing to dive deeper into this new territory. I focused on my upper body’ movement and its constant swinging motion. It became a more and more internal process. […]
Here’s Week 3 I started to move towards an unknown territory. Played with gestures, my hands and knees while asking myself more questions about the process, the ecstactic feeling I got from moving, the fine line between authentic movement […]
Here’s Week 2: “Still obsessed with “32”, the number, the questions I’m asking myself about the piece, its potential meaning, its potential direction (s). With it, I also thought about Marlene Dietrich, Barbara, the concept of Anamorphosis while spending […]
Here’s Week 1: “Obsessed with “32”, the number, the hours, its translation in a day, their meaning in duration and Susanne Sundford” ? (#dance #performance #solo #creation #improvisation #danse #danza #tanz #rehearsal #freestyle #movement #art #arte #creativeprocess #videodiary #visualjournal #susannesundford #tonnya #french #eucitizen #londoner #danceartist)
I started this visual diary at the end of February, as part of the creative process for a new Solo performance piece. The aim of this visual diary was to reflect on that short but intense period and to share some aspects of the process as it has flourished.
Like a good autistic I’ve been in hyper-focus. Lockdown has brought a surprising clarity to my work. It’s as though my practice was made for this moment. It sounds like a strange thing to say, and it is. Other autistics […]
After a surreal and beautiful journey home (empty trains through an empty landscape right through France on a gorgeous spring day), I came back to confined London. Like most other people, I have a lot of unknowns to deal with, […]