And then, coronavirus hit. We’d been hearing the news from Italy, the few cases in a ski resort not far from Grenoble, and then it was clearly becoming established throughout France. Educational establishments were shut down in early March – […]
A long hiatus since my last post. Obviously, a lot has happened since then… In this post I want to talk about how I was working in the couple of weeks before confinement kicked in (on 17 March in France, […]
I am a fine art photographer currently working on a multimedia project about visual representation of chronic pain. Like so many of us, I have been hugely hit by the lockdown due to covid 19 and had to stop almost […]
‘I search always for this stillness, which penetrates our fullest activity and even our sleep’ [Jim Ede] The absence of a visible kitchen at Kettle’s Yard in Cambridge is a startling omission in a house which is otherwise convincingly domestic: […]
This week’s been a little better though not without its frustrations. A big step forward was that (thanks to a contact through my Airbnb hosts) I was able to meet with the guy who manages all the city’s gardeners. It […]
Earlier in the year I was invited by the organisers to take part in the 8th International Video Poetry Festival in Athens, Greece. My work was shown as part of the Poetry + Video programme curated by Marie Craven. But […]
Jo Hodges and Robbie Coleman’s collaborative and multi-disciplinary practice questions our relationships with environment and landscape. Sally Davies talks to the Dumfries and Galloway-based artists about working in, and interpreting, rural contexts.
I’m now finalising my report on my bursary activity – and it feels quite lop-sided. There are some really positive results and achievements, and some disappointing dead-ends. The positive side is definitely the work of bringing together practitioners involved in […]
Following its’ successful R&D phase funded by Unlimited, ‘I was Naked, Smelling of Rain’ received Arts Council England funding further supported by ARC Stockton, Disability Arts Online, The ArtHouse and Pervasive Media Studio to be developed into a full scale pourable work. Having worked with […]
View of my home with a painting by my father (in 1950) hanging above some vintage suitcases and alongside two works of my own from the Buenos Días Dictador (2018) series. A post in which Abuela (grandmother) returns. Those of […]
A review of Exxxtteeenssioon by Emily Roderick & Emily Warner
Curated by Alex Billingham for Vivid Live, 2nd August 2019
This is a reflective moment in hindsight over 3 sessions of incremental steps. A kind of swell. In May I had my first mentoring session with Adrian Heathfield. Adrian has a drama background that has informed a move into […]
throwing a spider out of the bathroom window another runs in Walk with me, talk with me, write haiku, transform and have afternoon tea with me! Join me on the 9th of October during Cheltenham Literature Festival at Koj, Cheltenham’s […]