Politics - a-n The Artists Information Company

Blog Post

Some thoughts about Jenny Holzer

What I have always liked, and been drawn to, about Holzer is her grass roots political activism, posters of political slogans and challenging statements inviting interaction and engagement with people on the street. Close to graffiti, encouraging people to wake […]

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Blog Post

The market place

Cool water. Reflective, impenetrable. It reluctantly catches the limpid light. But I can still feel the cold seeping, creeping. The rats. They gather together by the banks. Trembling amongst the paper cups and crisp packets. Sheltered from the damp of […]

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Blog Post

How do we live without each other?

Here in the UK, we are enduring the second week of self-isolation (aka lockdown). I struggle with anxiety and depression even in normal life and this pandemic has just made it so much worse. I really miss my freedom of […]

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Blog Post

Sunday Politics

Last Sunday, I appeared on BBC1 Sunday Politics (Yorkshire and Lincolnshire) to ask questions for candidates for the upcoming election. The show was specifically focussing on the NHS, so it wasn’t arts focussed, so I was speaking as a carer. […]

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Blog Post

What is it? Where are we at?

As I write, the uncertainty surrounding Brexit continues. Like many people, I am finding it hard to digest, to understand what means what and what I should believe. There is no stake in the ground as the political surface we […]

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Blog Post


In December I joined Davin on a residency at Wassaic Project in Wassaic, a small Hamlet upstate in New York. Wassaic Project comprises two sites for studios and project spaces in a disused mill and a disused auction mart, and […]

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News News story

MP’s request for free ‘slick and engaging’ film prompts video editor’s unflattering ‘promo’ in response

In Brief: news briefing featuring national and international stories including: Artists sign open letter protesting dismissal of director Catherine de Zegher from the Museum of Fine Arts in Ghent; report says ‘outdated recruitment practices’ are holding back diversity in the arts; buyer of destroyed Banksy artwork to go through with purchase.

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Blog Post

SKEP – Fruit Routes 2018

During Fruit Routes June 2018 at Loughborough University Anne-Marie Culhane and I will be performing a new iteration of SKEP where visitors will be invited to become ‘SKEP’ donning a traditional woven beehive on their head and engaging with thoughts […]

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Blog Artist

Fruit Routes Loughborough

Fruit Routes hosted by artist activists Anne-Marie Culhane and Paul Conneally.You are invited to share ideas for individual, collaborative and institutional action towards a more sustainable life through space to imagine and reflect, walks, conversation and sharing food and drink

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News News feature

A Q&A with… Simone Rowat, Forensic Architecture

Nominated for the 2018 Turner Prize and a recent recipient of the European Culture Foundation’s Princess Margriet Award for Culture, the London-based independent research agency Forensic Architecture is making political and cultural waves with its evidence-based work. Chris Sharratt talks to artist and filmmaker Simone Rowat, one of the group’s 15 team members.

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News News story

Now Showing #238: The week’s top exhibitions

This week’s selection of recommended shows includes: Linder’s photomontage in Nottingham, the AV Festival in Newcastle and Gateshead, film essays in London, painted linguistics in Edinburgh, and polymorphous milk in Birmingham.

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