AUDIOBLOG – Please click here When I first started out on the pursuance of some sort of art practice, I laboured under a bunch of misapprehensions, misunderstandings, and misconceptions about what me as an artist should look like. For a […]
with the art walk now complete and my emotional calm about recovered, i feel the need to reflect about the process and the outcome. the work was the final leftover creation of a grand and ambitious idea that began about […]
is there such a thing as grvity glue holding everything together for us and helping the future to be what the future will be? starting with a question gives me somewhere to begin and hopefully go some way to get […]
i like to explore stuff. the stuff currently is how to programme my first mobile game through a course on . a risk of exploring is becoming lost. on the course i have been lost for 2 out of the 4 […]
AUDIOBLOG – Please click here I have on top of the cupboard in my studio an old grubby padded bra. I have stuck glass-headed pins into it in a floral pattern on the outside, as if beaded. The points […]
So having completed another piece and submitting (and being accepted) to an online gallery I feel I have made some modest progress…and I’ll be honest – I’m really effing pleased. I feel as if this small progression has helped me […]
So my practice is still trickling along, I am still wondering if what I do fits with where I would like to end up, what I would like to achieve, can my drawings hold there own with others? These questions […]
AUDIOBLOG – Please click here I’ve been thinking about the educational contexts I find myself in… have found myself in… and how my work is influenced by my life in education… My own early education wasn’t that unusual […]
AUDIOBLOG – Please click here I don’t usually do this sort of thing, but curiously, that sense of responsibility about the funding is actually changing my working practice. It will be interesting to see whether the changes remain once […]
So my first blog entry in over a week. I have been working mainly in various sketchbooks ambling around different ideas. I have not completed any “finished” as it were due to responsibilies outside of my practice – which in […]
AUDIOBLOG – Please click here Thinking about Sonia Buoé’s response to my last post on nine women… Precision. Where does precision come from? My stitching is precise. Now, it is how my hands speak for me, and possibly other […]
I’ve learned to love the studio again. After months of agonising over what, where, how and especially why, I think I have resolved something. The coming together of practice and theory to develop an idea, not an illustration of the […]
Another outlet for other words that do not find themselves elsewhere.
i’ve been holed up with a cold over the weekend and today am really pleased to be feeling better. i’ve celebrated this by getting my arduino out and playing some more. today it’s been with a 7 segment led display. […]
As we all try and combat the January blues (again), I find it a useful pick-me-up to reflect on the previous year hoping that it will serve up some interesting revelation. 2014 was a productive year for me; I entered […]
i’m having a making day today. yum tiddly tum. yeah so ‘m having a making day and i’m having a bit of a block so have resorted to making via writing. writing affords me the space to create from my […]
we’ve put the dceorations back in the loft, the youngest children have been rewarded for their dancing efforts last year and the bdo championship is hotting up. i’m returing to my new year rhythm. with the final two thirds of the […]
Selected active or archived blogs I refer to and learn from.
I’ve recently re-shot a film I made to improve the footage and incorporate sound. It’s just had its debut at the 51zero arts festival in Medway allowing me to view it critically for the first time. The new stills are […]
i began this blog while in a bit of an upset state. as ever time has helped for the upset to unpack and reflection to occur. the big lunch extras experience has brought home to me about how important looking […]
Vanitas are a style of still-life painting originating from the Netherlands in the early 17th century that bring together objects together objects that symbolise the inevitability death, the transience of life, and the vanity of achievements or pleasures. My piece […]
once upon a time in the beginning contary to rumour words. another expression of interest made today. language continues to be a problem, an issue, a contra point. nothing new. well that’s not quite correct.
I feel like I’m talking and no one is listening. I send thoughts, words and work out into the world to little response or reaction. Do I have anything to say others wish to hear? Perhaps this is an inevitable […]
One of my main weaknesses is doing things more easily for others and outside obligations than for myself. I have a very supportive and understanding husband and am 11 year old son, so holidays need careful managing to give son […]