Nurturing a seed sown back in Autumn 2014 with La Ceiba Gráfica telling me that one of the reasons they didn’t practise screen printing was that it was too environmentally unfriendly, (along with the printing method not ‘antique’ enough and […]
Still working on the project long after the residency ends. The Simalcrum has new variations and formats and also Reportage has been morphed into alternative formats, both using cutting and collage. I have returned to painting recently overlapping projects, and […]
Well I thought I was getting on really well and went from this … …to this I spent hours this afternoon trying to get this right and ended up scraping away a lot of the paper. Funnily enough I rather […]
It was great to visit the BA Printmaking degree shows at Brighton recently and see some of the work made by students who I’ve had the privilege to work with at times during the past three years. The shows were […]
I should definitely do more blogging. I find it hard to keep it up sometimes when I’m busy, but when I do get into the routine of doing it regularly, I find it really invaluable to be able to pop […]
Well not much left to do on this project as the last day of the residency has passed. Just a bit more blogging and finishing of some pieces in the Devices and Reportage series. I can work on them at […]
Recording a foray into experiments with alternative plant-based materials for screen printing and DIY studio set-ups, whilst seeking inspiration from ancient civilisations and our contemporary Mexican printmaking counterparts.
First a big thank you to a-n for featuring this blog in the May digest/e-alert and to those who haven’t seen it yet, the May digest has a link to a pre-election advocacy toolkit to help artists continue to make the […]
The first step in this project was to discuss (via the phone) dates that Lee could come to Stiwdio Maelor and the date I could go to London, what equipment we will need and some suggestions of the sort of […]
I had a few moments of doubt and distraction this week. I was thinking about what my next print should be. My mind began to wander to all the loose ends and unresolved works I’ve made over the years and […]
What does it mean to have all the colours available to you as an artist? We just can click and order, browse wondrous shops full of pigments or go onto our devices and swipe, touch and tap our way […]
Back from a break from production for reflection, and also a trip to Amsterdam. About developing practice. Interacting with others is an essential part of who I am. I have always known that, as I realise that this is […]
I didn’t make it to the Garden this week but went to the studio instead to carry on with my mono print experiments. Experiments partly because I have never actually systematically focused on printmaking and what learning I have done […]
One of the fantastic things about receiving my professional development bursary from a-n is that I can now try making a Grant for the Arts application and use my bursary as the match funding I’ll need to support the application. So here […]
One of the fantastic things about being able to develop my printmaking skills at the University of Brighton is the brilliant facilities and technical support available to me. I did my Fine Art BA in this department fifteen years ago […]
Revisiting ideas from a long period of research, I’m beginning at The Beginning, in fact at the very beginnings of life. In his book, The Selfish Gene, Richard Dawkins theorises about the origins of life, when, in the primeval soup […]
So the exhibition Simulacrum comes to an end. Last day is Saturday, tomorrow. So a few more photographs of the installation. The residency continues, but next week will be take down the exhibition instead. So a bit of a delay […]