process and planning of collaborative illustrative and audio art exhibition, between myself and Ulrika-Igraine Muñoz-alarcón.
process and planning of collaborative illustrative and audio art exhibition, between myself and Ulrika-Igraine Muñoz-alarcón.
The reeds and ex-thatching stock that neatly hem the fresh water of Slapton Ley are reverberating with late summer cricket calls. They’re incredibly loud; driving 60mph through the lanes of an evening after work, blaring ‘Autumn’ by Joanna Newsom, they’re […]
On reflection, my Lockdown project: Questing for Forest Cove ended up being about an old wall. I don’t remember why I ever looked at google maps that day but it led me to go in search of a ‘way’. A well worn […]
On reflection, my Lockdown project: Questing for Forest Cove ended up being about an old wall. I don’t remember why I ever looked at google maps that day but it led me to go in search of a ‘way’. A well worn […]
Image: Sending Covid Post Cards
I got told to “eat the world”. I’d planned to go to Glasgow, or was it Mexico? or praps I’ll just stay home. Drowning in lungs, like little pockets of pacific. City folks come down here wearing country clothes. I’ve […]
In preparation for Attempt 2 of Questing for Forest Cove, I went down to Landcove beach, from where I will be able to access Forest Cove at low tide. I hadn’t checked the tide times and so it was inaccessible […]
Image: Vulpes vulpes. iPhone6 + binoculars The Project: I intend to access a beach that has no official access. Questing for Forest Cove. Attempt 1 As I emerged from the bluebell wood a cock pheasant flew loudly out from cover. […]
Highlights. -Common Cock Pheasant. Phasianus colchicus. -Red Fox. Vulpes Vulpes. -Doe. Female Roe Deer. Capreolus capreolus. -Red-tailed bumblebee. Bombus lapidaries. -Herring Gull. Larus argentatus. -Thrift/Sea Pinks. Armeria maritima -Stag. Male Roe Deer. Capreolus capreolus. -Bluebell. Hyacinthoides non-scripta. Image: Bombus lapidarius. FSC […]
End point of Attempt 1.
Image: Inventory 07.05.20 -gifted binoculars -borrowed Canon -spycam (return to amazon now in process) -iphone6s -walking shoes (usually work-wear) -bumbag -house key
Image: Proposed Route 50°18’30.9″N 3°37’23.0″W Key: ‘green line’= previously accessed route. ‘A’=View Point (as photographed below). ‘b’= potentially inaccessible areas. Here I propose my route. I also have concerns that the ‘way’, as is visible from the satellite maps, may now […]
Inspired by this blog, I have started the project Questing for Forest Cove. I will record the process as I go. At this point it is in it’s early stages. TBC.
This project is in tandem with the blog: “Locked down into Paying/Denying Attention”.
I intend to access a beach that has no official access.
Disengaging from The Attention Economy to plug into something/anything else, and then… blogging about it.
A record of being part in the 29th Process-Space Art Festival in Plovdiv, European Capital of Culture 2019. How fourteen artists from seven countries, lived and worked together, discovered the ancient city and local arts scene and how they made work for the festival.