Preparing For My Degree Show
A reflective journal of my thoughts to talk about my artwork I’m putting into my degree show :)
A reflective journal of my thoughts to talk about my artwork I’m putting into my degree show :)
the film made during the residency trees can hear you is a winner at the beyond the curve international film festival in the best experimental film category. it’s also received an outstanding achievement award.
it’s come to my attention that in order to hold my nerve and progress i need to alter up some of things i do. hence i’ve decided to end this blog today, to give me the time, space and motivation […]
we’ve had another support session today. i feel giddy after the session, i love the manner in which matt has conducted the session and the resources used within it. –skips off to eat lunch–
feeling calm. i’m recently out of the planning session for the support phase (phase 2) of the residency. already i feel a benefit – i’ve been able to share and talk about things to do with my practice i’ve not […]
i notice how after spending a couple of hours writing a blog post i am left with a disorientating energy. in acknowledging it, i am hoping it dissipates and the afternoon continues. i wrote about the residency enabled by eaststreet […]
so here we are at the middle of august and our time in the space coming to an end. saying goodbye to the space was emotional – i hadn’t realised until it came to an end how much i had […]
so after a couple of weeks i’ve found a flow state. i feel happy in the space, feel confident about working there and most importantly after making some changes in how i use the space i feel safe. […]
as i came to compose this post i noticed the title of the previous post, written a month ago. i skimmed that post to get a feel of where i was and i’m happy to reflect that at the end […]
had a chance to meet with thomas today. we stood and talked around the residency and where and what we’re up to. he shared with me how he’s in the throws of preparing for his ma show. i very much […]
there are two of us on the meanwhile residency. our time together is currently taking the form of a conversation based on what we leave in the space as a result of us being there. today i searched out thomas’ […]
it struck me today how the 4 week duration of the meanwhile space is going to fly by. there isn’t much room to hang about – massive pun unintended. fitted in another visit late late last week. in it i […]
hello world. andrew here from the meanwhile space in derby, a part of the on going work by eaststreet projects in derby. before we get too far into the project a quick mention of how a meanwhile space might become […]
a residency made possible by the work of eaststreet arts in a meanwhile space in derby with a taylored programme of artist support.
there was a period of time with this project where it did feel like it might not ever end. it is now complete and i’m in a place where i can take a moment to look back over the project […]
yes – i feel lost at the moment. music on and back into the post. i have to admit that since completing the museum project i’ve been catching up with the whole pandemic effect thing. i miss contact with […]
it’s a wonderful ting to be able to say those words. looking out the window now at the blue sky and vibrant leaves of the trees nearby i can finally sit back and relax – the museum of making project […]
After reflecting on this 1-1 with Gary yesterday 29/04/21, I have thought about how the work changes its reception slightly based on the audience. This is something Jane and my peers have mentioned previously in my exhibition proposal feedback, it […]
Hello from the study group (well…Bettina). Our study period has ended and we are now back in our individual endeavours, perhaps still taking the time to digest what we have explored together or integrating what we’ve individually taken from these […]
hi nick wow ! what a few weeks it’s been – the what next summit has taken me to places that i probably wouldn’t have experienced without it. now as the virtual dust settles i’m going to take a moment to […]
Reflection 30/04/21: This 1-1 has been a turning point for my projection in response to the space/installation. The double projections have been received well by my peers, 1-1’s with Matt and Gary. Especially 29/04/21 1-1 with matt we discussed the […]
Bettina Fung sums up the group’s reflection on this study period and includes some more of her thoughts. We held a reflection session after our bursary supported study period and bounced off ideas for our next step, which is still […]
the view from the dining room table today is one of calm trees and clear blue sky, the frost on the roofs slowly disappearing from view as the sun slowly transits out of sight. my view is accompanied by the […]
For my dissertation I am analysing the digitalization of the gaze through time due to social media, and the changes that are present with the way women perceive themselves and others. Chapter 1, starts off with Jacques Lacan, a […]