Tagtool Animation Test
I have been experimenting with Tagtool to find the best solution for a live performance. I like the way the flowers move and the subtle gestures of the character.
I have been experimenting with Tagtool to find the best solution for a live performance. I like the way the flowers move and the subtle gestures of the character.
https://vimeo.com/306842676 After a lot of experimentation with different software and hardware solutions, I settled on using the app Tagtool for the iPad. Tagtool transforms illustrations into digital puppets and then using some simple tools animates them. I was introduced to […]
Sketchbook ideas and explorations.
Ideas, sketches and storyline exploration.
Forest Fields and Hyson Green is an area of constant revitalisation, rejuvenation and flux. It is a starting point for some and a constant home for others. People come and go regularly, setting up homes and businesses then move on […]