feeling giddy
we’ve had another support session today. i feel giddy after the session, i love the manner in which matt has conducted the session and the resources used within it. –skips off to eat lunch–
we’ve had another support session today. i feel giddy after the session, i love the manner in which matt has conducted the session and the resources used within it. –skips off to eat lunch–
feeling calm. i’m recently out of the planning session for the support phase (phase 2) of the residency. already i feel a benefit – i’ve been able to share and talk about things to do with my practice i’ve not […]
so here we are at the middle of august and our time in the space coming to an end. saying goodbye to the space was emotional – i hadn’t realised until it came to an end how much i had […]
so after a couple of weeks i’ve found a flow state. i feel happy in the space, feel confident about working there and most importantly after making some changes in how i use the space i feel safe. […]
as i came to compose this post i noticed the title of the previous post, written a month ago. i skimmed that post to get a feel of where i was and i’m happy to reflect that at the end […]
had a chance to meet with thomas today. we stood and talked around the residency and where and what we’re up to. he shared with me how he’s in the throws of preparing for his ma show. i very much […]
there are two of us on the meanwhile residency. our time together is currently taking the form of a conversation based on what we leave in the space as a result of us being there. today i searched out thomas’ […]
The last day of this year’s residency. Three weeks have flown by too quickly. This is the shortest time I have spent at the Ness of Brodgar but on the other hand it is my first time away from home […]
Many hands helping with cleaning the floor for Drone photography in Structure 10. Meanwhile the cinema in a hut has been taking shape for tomorrow’s world premiere for the archaeologists. Pictures of the event tomorrow.
Today the wind has dropped to a modest breeze – but as a result the clouds are almost static making the sky an overall light grey with just an occasional glimpse of blue. So while the normal strong winds create […]
Most of the day was spent gathering materials to convert a small hut on site into a cinema for Friday’s world premiere of my film about the Ness of Brodgar. This afternoon I made it into Structure 10 for a […]
Today was mostly spent doing a final edit for the world premiere of my film about the Ness of Brodgar on Friday. So just the one drawing today. In Trench J they have reached ‘the natural’ – the earth that […]
Following on with the story of the big pot. Here is a piece now dry enough to be turned over, revealing its decoration. It was removed from the big slab of pot (from the top right hand corner of the […]
After the excavation of the big pot comes the paperwork in meticulous detail. Just one drawing as the day was mostly was spent sourcing technology for my film show next week. Later on with the return of Orkney winds, I […]
This morning there was a gentle breeze, pale sunshine, and big black clouds on the horizon – standard Orkney weather except the wind is usually much stronger. After a personal tour of Structure 10, I drew some of the diggers, […]
There are two sides to my work, practice and reflection. Here at the Ness of Brodgar there is much to draw, paint, and many sounds to record. But I also feel a need to keep a handle on the thinking […]
Previously I have said that human activity is my primary focus. But that is not the whole story. To clarify, it is the place in which people, including myself, are located that is the anchor for my work. That to […]
The first part of the day was spent putting up pictures to advertise the Artists in Residence, in the hope of sales – directing people to my website at karenwallis.co.uk. This was followed by a trip into Kirlkwall in search […]
Today they began an extension to Trench J to investigate more of Structure 5 and the building on top of it. The top soil was cleared before the morning tea break – and a tour of the trench followed. Then […]
Looking out across Structure 12 towards the Loch of Harray. The full extent of the landscape is now visible because, due to Covid regulations, there is no viewing platform for visitors. In the drawing the sun is shining on the […]
After last year’s cancelled dig, we are all very glad to be back. However, things are strictly limited in order to comply with Covid rules. There is only a small team on site working in a much reduced area of the […]
today i’m beginning the documentation for the arts council covid-19 emergency fund supported project walking through the pandemic. in getting to this point i’ve tied myself into some huge knots through over thinking it a bit. it’s ok […]