www.digitalartistresidency.org -
June 01, 2020 -
August 31, 2020 -
Across UK
my old gran had many amazing sayings and i found her words of some comfort at the beginning of the period we’ve got to know as lock down. her advice of doing a little and often was how i got […]
over the course of my blogging here on the a-n platform i’ve recorded, reflected and reviewed about many topics, feelings and works. today i’m blogging from our family home, the washing machine revving up into a spin, woman’s hour is […]
so about 7 weeks ago i didn’t fully appreciate how all the rapid alterations to my life and social world were affecting me – my response was to set up this blog – a self proclaimed residency and for a […]
finally i get time to sit and reflect on the residency so far. i say finally – there’s quite a vibe around the building, those here can be quite fiery so the days pass with their own uniqueness. as well […]
sitting with many feelings set up by the current covid-19 lockdown. one of them to do with the non linear project, one of them about what my need are as 2020 progresses and how might the confinement and isolation […]
nearly at the end of the first week, been settling in and finding my way. taking stock of the resources available and who might be up for some collaborating – there others here with me, all with their own focuses. […]
a reframing residency began in march 2020
where to start ? at home, sofa bound for now looking at my laptop screen – the elephant in the room being so big it’s affecting everyone. the first track is helping me to reduce the scale and […]
I run a small open-access print studio in Cumbria. I’d like to pay an artist to be in my studio for three months + bursary for travel + materials. I was wondering if anyone knew of any funding available for […]
As the readers of this blog my remember, beginning of 2018 I undertook a 3 months residency at x-church in Gainsborough. My proposition to the community was to explore the question What does it mean to be a resident? For this […]
Some fresh tasty vegetables [talent], a dash of hot sauce [ideas], knob of butter [agency], a glug of ageing wine [experience], a crumble of stock [collaboration]? Then there is the cooking … time, space and don’t get me started on […]
It has been a good year for me culminating in the Artcore Winter Narratives Arts Council supported residency in Vadodara, India (blog – artcoregallery.org.uk > artist residency > Winter Narratives > Dr Wright). I arrived home on the 21st of […]
Live work creative space.
A leap on from my last posting back in January. Where to begin? The above, two titles of work made during a recent 4month residency at the Irish Museum of Modern Art. This a-n Mentoring Bursary was to help support […]
Today saw the world premier of my film: ‘Ness of Brodgar 5th edit – work in progress’, which is around half the intended length of the film. It was shown on site, projected on to the wall of the barn […]
Last year and early this season I followed the history of Trench Y, which was meant to be a quick excavation to find the wall surrounding the Ness of Brodgar. They didn’t find the wall – just a few bits […]
Feedback is always good value. At lunchtime I showed the current edit of my film to three supervisors who are leaving the dig today. As they are all experts in the field, I felt rather anxious and hoped there were […]
No writing today as I spent most of the time on this small oil painting. It is of some unusual stones, which are due to be removed next week. Plus one drawing of work continuing around the drain. More tomorrow…
On Sunday morning we went to the most incredible place ever. Even thinking about it now lifts my soul. It’s called Hulme Community Garden Centre. I love every single square inch of that place, seriously. Just go have a look […]
Saturday morning kicked off at the Green Fish Resource Centre with the theme of Working From Within. This weekend would be about using ones own lived experience to inform ways of working. Fellow UNIONITES from the North West gave their […]
I’ve been looking forward to this third residency weekend for ages (I always do) – I’m surrounded by other passionate and HUGELY interesting people doing very insightful and inspiring things. This UNION programme has been absolutely brilliant so far, and […]
Today I have been contemplating timing in my relationship with archeology. Sometimes I’m in the right place at the right moment but unprepared. While at other times I am completely prepared but have to wait ages for the right moment. […]