Platform Graduate Award 2016: CVAN South East announces winner
University of Kent graduate Daniel Owusu wins £2,500 bursary and programme of professional development.
University of Kent graduate Daniel Owusu wins £2,500 bursary and programme of professional development.
a-n’s Executive Director Jeanie Scott reflects on an incredibly busy year for the organisation that has seen the publication of the Paying Artists Exhibition Payment Guidance, wide-ranging support for artists through a-n bursaries, and membership reach a record high. And, despite an increasingly messy global situation, says there’s much to look forward to in 2017.
Five a-n News writers – based in London, Birmingham and Glasgow – pick, in no particular order, their top five exhibitions of the year.
The interactive map of artist-led organisations across the UK aims to capture the diversity of the arts ecology, while also aiding development of self-inititiatives. Jack Hutchinson reports.
The 2017 a-n bursaries are now open for applications from a-n Artist members, and alongside our regular Professional development, Travel awards and Venice Biennale bursaries, for the first time we’re offering members the chance to attend the preview of Documenta 14 in Kassel.
The Brighton-based artists’ group, known internationally for its interactive and game-based artworks using digital technology, has been awarded the US $50,000 prize presented by the Nam June Paik Art Centre in Korea.
The Shropshire-born artist grew up on a farm, with his childhood experiences influencing everything from the content to the materials of his paintings. Here he discusses the continuing importance of painting and his latest body of work, currently on show at the Saatchi Gallery’s ‘Painters’ Painters’ exhibition.
Prior to its relocation to a new space, Peckham Platform gallery is celebrating its work since launching in 2010 with a retrospective show featuring its 20 artist commissions to date, all co-created with local people in the south-east London neighbourhood. Lydia Ashman reports.
The Macclesfield-born artist wins the £25,000 prize and gives an emotional, politically-charged acceptance speech.
After AQA exam board announced it was to cease offering an A level in art history, Pearson has said it is to develop a new A-level in the subject to be taught from September 2017.