Scotland - Page 13 of 13 - a-n The Artists Information Company

Resource Archive News archive

Scotland celebrates

Two artists in Scotland have been awarded Scottish Arts Council Creative Scotland Awards in a scheme that provides £300,000 annually to artists with a proven track record who would benefit from support. Jim Buckley and Ian Hamilton Finlay each received […]

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The Glamour
Resource Profile


Sorcha Dallas profiles Transmission, the Glasgow-based artist-run gallery, that was established in 1983 by graduates of Glasgow School of Art.

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Remote mind
Resource Archive Feature’s Director Gordon Rogers explains the organisation’s role in facilitating and promoting the work of visual artists in the heart of the most dispersed population in Europe.

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60 second interlude
Resource Archive Feature

Inspiring practice

Malcolm Dickson highlights the issues around the future needs of artists’ organisations in Scotland.

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Resource Archive Feature

High hopes

Moira Jeffrey visits the Scottish Highlands and Islands to see how a bid for European Capital of Culture is affecting artists and art organisations.

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