Eden Open Exhibition
Participate Contemporary Artspace -
August 05, 2017 -
August 26, 2017 -
West Midlands
A collaboration between the Henry Moore Institute, Leeds Art Gallery, the Hepworth Wakefield and Yorkshire Sculpture Park has received investment from Arts Council England’s Ambition for Excellence programme.
Rachel and I ran the first workshop along with Sam Orton our storyteller and Matt Voits helped with sound, (currently doing a PHD at Nottingham University, and volunteers with a refugee group) on 16th June ’17, a warm sunny Friday […]
I am now recording (with permission) conversations with friends which cover aspects of my practice that I want to research, the recordings are a not only a great way for me to revisit good ideas and thoughts but also to […]
Are we as a society assisting sexism and gender inequality by the omission and exclusion of our female history? ?While watching X Men First Class with the family last night I asked my daughter if she could think of a […]
I spent two full days at this year’s Documenta as part of the AN bursary scheme. Amongst the grand set pieces in the main venues I found some of the “quieter” artworks in side rooms to be equally if not […]
Art UK has begun a three-year project to catalogue the UK’s publicly-owned sculpture collection.
The friction of truth, personal experience, culture, gender and binary boundaries. Material and form within a narrative and subject of gender, binary, object and body.
A Review by Gabrielle Mollett
Northumberland-born artist Peter Hanmer receives £6,500 to develop new work at site situated between Newcastle and Hexham.
Taking place every ten years, for 2017 Skulptur Projekte Münster presents work by an international line up of around 35 artists who present work in public spaces and museums across the city. Artist and senior lecturer in fine art at the University of Worcester S Mark Gubb reports.
Fantastic news, Rachel Ramchurn and I won our Arts Council Funding bid to carry out a Research and Development phase of our Project – a Pocketful of Treasures. Over the moon! Thank you Arts Council England. We have been collaborating […]
A selection of recommended exhibitions for the week ahead, including Renaissance drawing in Oxford, brand new sculpture in London and pioneering 19th century photography in Edinburgh.
It floats and drifts on Broadwater lake in an environment designed by Capability Brown it has been described as ‘majestic’ and like an ‘electron spinning around’… Wow! I am so pleased with this project and what I have learned so far, […]
All our words are but crumbs that fall down from the feast of the mind. Kahlil Gibran I am not a natural learner. Well, not in the traditional, educational model of; linear, sequential, bite-sized chunks type learning, […]
Producing the Video The video itself is a recording of ten minutes per hour of an experiment of a machine learning algorithm solving the problem of a video game Pong. The duration of the video is roughly an hour as […]
A couple of weeks after I constructed the oak structure and rowed forth with it in tow onto the lake I am deep in other work and slightly panicking that I am not making the most of the artwork I […]