A crazy couple of days. Up at 6, leaving my hut at 7 and walking through the woods to the site. That and the breakfast call home helped me overcome the weariness, stiffness and footsore-ness to face the day ahead. […]
I feel immeasurably better than I did this time last night; even though today as usual went slower than hoped, still partly due to the rain. But this evening unlike last night is fine and mild, I’ve just walked back […]
Probably the hardest day of the entire project so far, and yet one in which I must remember a lot did get done. Hard for various reasons: it was physically long – I left the cabin at 7.15am and got […]
Lying in bed in this cosy little wooden hut, I feel a bit like an explorer updating my blog. Being Scandinavian summer it is still quite light outside at 10pm and it is perfectly peaceful in this campsite in the […]
I’m sitting on the bus waiting to leave Valby Station for Århus. After feeling apprehension bordering on an impulse not to go, I have started feeling the tiniest seed of anticipation, even excitement. It was triggered by the thought that […]
She’s gone…to Aarhus. The very nice freight man turned up early, which was great. He had an enormous truck, he had intended to collect another piece in Copenhagen but couldn’t actually get into the place so had plenty of […]
The day before the sculpture is freighted to Aarhus. I borrowed Charlotte’s car again and went over to Roskilde for the first time since finishing work last Tuesday. I knew that Lars and Mikkel were planning to prep the […]
It’s ready! And I am so glad. Today I finished the last coat of undercoat then prepared and did 3 layers of top coat on the remaining four panels. I’m not totally satisfied: the joints between plates of plywood are […]
Last Friday’s preview was a mix of great company alongside a compelling display of ‘New Generation Landscape Art’ allowing viewers to explore the complexities of interpreting landscape and the world we live in. My new solo show ‘A Question of […]
A trip to Leeds last week proved absolutely exhilarating with such a wide selection of amazing art particularly The Tetley’s new exhibition ‘Painting in Time’.
A nasty moment to begin with today. I was a bit nervous about starting the top coat. After all, minor blemishes in the undercoat can somehow be disguised, but the top coat has to be perfect. I mixed up the […]
I was so blasted after Saturday that I couldn’t even write a blog post on my way home. It wasn’t hugely eventful, but I did (almost..just one coat on one side of one panel left to go) finish undercoating. […]
Felt very tired today, back in the studio twelve hours after I left it, and that’s including nearly 3 hours travelling..I didn’t even attempt to plan knowing Mikkel and Lars were also going to be working there. It gave me […]
Sitting slightly guiltily enjoying the sunshine: after days of unsettled weather today is glorious. Spent the morning preparing more surfaces ie sanding and filling! After yesterday’s experience I am determined to give the filler longer to dry. And I have […]
Had to suppress a feeling of rising panic today as I tried to rescue another layer of undercoat which was dribbling and threatening to ruin the finish. Limited time is making me rush things and that’s the consequence. Not enough […]
Another long day, nearly thirteen hours all in all, but I did at least achieve the main goal which was to graphite and glaze the rear of the three wing panels. This should be a relief, and initially it was, […]
After a welcome day’s break I got to the studio a bit later today, it being Sunday. I was very glad to see Friday’s paintwork looking fine and began sanding at the far end of the room, only to realise […]
When I was a small child just starting school we used to have Friday afternoons off, until they decided to increase productivity… Today felt like that as I skipped out of the studio at 1.30pm to go and collect Zach. […]
A very long day. Much as yesterday, undercoating and wondering if I’ll ever get to the glazing stage. Now it’s postponed until Monday. Not great but unavoidable. My proxy vote in the British general election failed to materialise despite my […]
Major new sculpture commission to be installed in the Royal Forest of Dean in summer 2016.
I like this bag, which is for rubbish, on the Danish trains. It reads: Rubbish in the bag. Bag in the hand. Hand on the heart. Where will it end? On the platform. In the rubbish bin. Thanks. Sometimes I […]
A headlong rush for the station today, grateful for my bike. I was literally working until the last minute. I tried a new route by train, which gives me an extra 25 minutes at both ends of the day, and avoids […]