A very long day. Much as yesterday, undercoating and wondering if I’ll ever get to the glazing stage. Now it’s postponed until Monday. Not great but unavoidable. My proxy vote in the British general election failed to materialise despite my […]
Major new sculpture commission to be installed in the Royal Forest of Dean in summer 2016.
I like this bag, which is for rubbish, on the Danish trains. It reads: Rubbish in the bag. Bag in the hand. Hand on the heart. Where will it end? On the platform. In the rubbish bin. Thanks. Sometimes I […]
A headlong rush for the station today, grateful for my bike. I was literally working until the last minute. I tried a new route by train, which gives me an extra 25 minutes at both ends of the day, and avoids […]
It takes about an hour and a half to get over to Roskilde and back every day. Most of it is mind numbing suburban landscape, it exists in Denmark just as in Britain. But this is a nice view of […]
Began work today! On the smallest of the ten pieces that will comprise the sculpture, but still… Sanding back and filling screw holes in preparation for primer. It rapidly became clear that it won’t be six days’ work […]
Today I got my first view of what’s been going on in the workshop in Roskilde. My first impression: wow, it’s big! Of course I knew it was going to be big, but it takes a moment to adjust to […]
A blog that will follow my practice starting from my final submission of second year at Northumbria University and finishing at my final year degree show.
Yesterday I went to the scrap metal yard, early. Fortunately for me, they always have HEB beams in stock and I was able to measure to get those that were closest to 10cm in depth (10.2-10.3cm) I can only hope […]
There is a lot to take in within California wow!: giant MDF boxes disguised as mammoths, silky banner-collages standing in buckets of concrete and cheeky suns that appear to be blown up car air fresheners. Inverted brickwork mosaic, vertically poised […]
Through a narrow alley hung with palm trees, and up the steel staircase, I enter Cell Project Space. This affordable studio and gallery complex in East London is committed to showing the work of emerging artists. Bearing that in mind, […]
The first big wobble came today. I got an unexpected call from Mikkel, lead carpenter on the project; unexpected because I didn’t know they would be working today, on the weekend. The wobble came because I came to suspect […]
Today I got word that the carpenters have started work on building House of Cards. Massive relief that they are underway, with three weeks to go before it is due to be collected by the exhibition organisers. Next week is […]
There haven’t been any blog posts for a few weeks because I’ve been in Mexico with family, taking a break before the final push (and introducing my son to his granny for the first time). Now waiting for the carpenters […]
Brook and I have had several interesting conversations during the past few days – I’m finding it hard to make time to edit them, but have uploaded the second today on Vimeo (Vimeo.com/patwilsonsmith Conversation#2:Self, Feminism & the Anthropocene) Negotiating this […]
John Smith and Paul Housley Hosted at ATTIC, One Thoresby Street Curated by Alice Gale-Feeny and Oliver Tirré Exhibition: 3-18 April 2015 Gallery open: Thu-Sat, 12-6pm Written by Joseph Winsborrow, April 2015 Photograph by James E Smith Presented upon […]
My research became fruitful at the beginning of December 2014 when I completed 6 pieces of work in a series titled “Possibilities”. This work is covered with marble dust and a striking yellow acrylic top. All of these pieces relate […]