Preparing For My Degree Show
A reflective journal of my thoughts to talk about my artwork I’m putting into my degree show :)
A reflective journal of my thoughts to talk about my artwork I’m putting into my degree show :)
This is walk no. 14 from ‘Walking Beyond Words’. Aya Hastwell who is facilitating the project with me has just returned to her family in Kazakhstan and chose this prompt because of her appreciation of the global connections created […]
After my research into using destruction as a method of creating art, I decided to play around with everyday materials. I took so old magazines and altered these through ripping and building up layers and then stitching together as a […]
AUDIOBLOG – Please click here The power of the object The power of the song I see them as the same. I collect the objects I write the words I find sounds that suggest presence I find garments […]
I have decided after a long time to finally take the plunge and buy a sewing machine. I love making my own t shirts so i really needed one to explore more ideas, i cant wait to use it :) […]
A new object for The Museum – a ‘mourning cushion’ one of a pair made on the death of a father. This post explores the importance of moments of abeyance in the grief process and the allusions and associations contained […]
Eight women come together to stitch scrolls.
Thank you Elena for stepping up with a fantastic first piece for the museum! Handling quite beautifully the power of objects to suggest narrative and provide a springboard for creative elaborations her post enables a tantalising glimpse of one object […]