The Power of Residents
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October 23, 2024 at 04:00 PM -
Across UK
Rachael Disbury on Caroline Wendling’s Archipelago
The second a-n Assembly event of 2019 took place in Aberdeen with a day of talks, workshops, activities, curry and a film screening.
A collection of reflections on Social Art Network’s two-day event in Sheffield, November 2018.
I’ve been working in a social practice for 10 years. I think socially engaged work is some of the most thoughtful, high-quality, useful and challenging art being produced now. I think practitioners are a powerful cultural resource& I’m really committed […]
This week’s selection from a-n’s busy Events section, featuring exhibitions and events posted by a-n members, includes selections from Bridport, Cardiff Bay, Corby, London and Presteigne.
Taking place on the idyllic Dartington Estate in Devon the a-n-supported Jamboree 2018 brought together 150 artists, curators and programmers from across the UK for lively discussion and the exchange of ideas. Hannah Pierce, a-n’s external programmes and partnerships manager, shares the key things she learnt from the event’s four days.
With reference to Edmund Clark’s current Ikon Gallery exhibition ‘In Place of Hate’ – the result of three years as artist in residence at the therapeutic prison HMP Grendon – a recent symposium in Birmingham explored the role of art and its use as a rehabilitative tool. After a day of talks and presentations, Carrie Foulkes finds her belief in socially-engaged practice reaffirmed.
Well a 6am start and a convoluted journey (which way is it now??) were worth the bother to get to the YVAM conference, aimed at early career artists: “the artist’s journey – which way is it now?”. Lots of advice […]
I’ve recently been preparing materials for the next ‘underlined’ workshop, whilst also reading part of Nato Thompson’s Living as Form (Socially Engaged Art 1991-2011), an interesting book that wrestles with many of the topics also discussed at the Engage Conference 2017 […]
The first of three reports that explore the potential civic role of publicly funded arts organisations, within the context of wide community and political divisions in 2017.
As part of the Super Slow Way programme in Lancashire, Los Angeles-based artist Suzanne Lacy is bringing the local community together through Sufi chanting, shape-note singing and a banquet for 500 people. Bob Dickinson finds out more.
A one-day event led by artists group Anchor & Magnet using creative workshops to discuss and debate heritage, regeneration and loss in the city, that took place on 23rd April 2016. Review written by Oliver Carter. Photographs by Katarzyna Perlak.
Artist Ellie Harrison’s year-long Glasgow Effect project has attracted widespread outrage on social media and in the national press, with many accusing her of ‘poverty tourism’. Julie McCalden makes a case for a more nuanced response to the project and argues the case for more, not less, public funding for the arts.
Liverpool-based artist Emma Sumner reports from two recent community arts focused events in the city, a Temporary Parliament tasked with selecting the winner of the 25,000 Euro Visible Award for ‘socially engaged practices in a global context’, and a conference organised by Liverpool Biennial which looked to learn from the legacy of community arts projects in the light of a renewed interest in socially engaged art.
For his first major commission in the UK, Chicago-based artist Theaster Gates has created an installation in the grounds of a disused church in Bristol that will be alive with performances and discussion day-and-night for 552 hours. Rowan Lear reports from the opening weekend.
The artist Olafur Eliasson is raising funds on Kickstarter to bring a newly developed, solar powered smartphone charger into production – and to change the world in the process
Visual arts charity Arts Express has launched the UK’s ‘first ever community arts prize’ to celebrate and showcase the work of artists who create participatory and socially engaged projects.
Critical Spaces is a new and FREE web-based platform for socially-engaged artists, which will launch in Autumn 2014. Critical Spaces has been designed by artists for artists. 17 workshops took place across the UK to research and develop the platform. This […]