Commercial Coordinator – Studio Voltaire
Studio Voltaire is looking for a Commercial Coordinator to support the smooth running of the charity’s income generation.
Studio Voltaire is looking for a Commercial Coordinator to support the smooth running of the charity’s income generation.
We’re thrilled to launch a transformative open call for a London-based artist to join Gasworks’ studio community!
Recording my art practice throughout my residency with CAS + my experience working with the students and the artwork they produce for the project.
Today I eviscerated a mannequin…The legendary Chaplin speech: “machine men with machine minds and machine hearts”
I have moved studios once again…I’m going to try my best to keep this blog up-to-date
Sometimes it is just hard to focus. Trying to experiment and develop feels like the hardest thing to do as pressures, emotions, and other commitments block and scrambles one’s progress. I don’t feel inspired, I don’t feel driven. It is […]
Hello:) I am looking for artists to interview/film in their own studios, to create a final blog which groups all the interviews. All artists are welcome to submit their interest by email to: [email protected] In the email please include a […]
I am excited and bit nervous to return to the studio on Monday. It’s been too long since I was last there – save for simply dropping off some materials a few weeks ago. An intense two weeks of summer-holiday […]
It’s been a busy week! Had a great visit to ‘A Splash of Colour’ at Bowery Visual Arts with a friend, two sessions experimenting with etching at The Art House, and today I started a new painting in the studio. […]
Figures on a Raft with UFOs (after Théodore Géricault and Brian Rea) Oil on Canvas 230mm x 300mm (approx) Today’s picture is, like yesterday’s, a small one which is in contrast to the two sources I’ve placed together. The more […]
Waving at Ideology Oil on Canvas 200mm x 200mm This small painting is probably finished. The waving figures are taken from a photograph taken when the Berlin Wall was being built and the background is a version of Velazquez’s View […]
A place to log images – mostly oil paintings – and the thinking that drives (and emerges) from them.
Moving the two large work-tables from the studio in Enköping to the one in Uppsala last Friday felt definitive. Up until then I had been kind of camping out in the new studio. Having appropriate furniture and fittings may not […]
Tomorrow is the first day of the four day children’s summer school and I am both excited and nervous. It has been a year since I last ran a workshop and I am feeling out of practice. I am pretty […]
I remain convinced that I think differently under a white ceiling … or between white walls. No matter, I enjoy the feeling of light and space – no doubt enhanced by the generous distance between the studio window and […]
After my formative assessment with Jane 06/05/21, it was suggested I approach my documentation of my installations with a better scope of the space. This is something I have mentioned before and began to approach within my Moving around film. […]
I have experimented a lot for the exhibition proposal and it was good to have feedback on all of the pieces I have done. I did a small presentation of all the work I have created for the proposals so […]
The progress of my exhibition proposal has been going well, I have continued the exploration of using the studio at uni further this week by working larger and also by involving actual cellophane more into the space, like the digital […]
It felt great to pick up the keys to my new (second!) studio yesterday evening. The room is going to get a coat of white paint before I move in – as if I need to emphasis the difference […]
I have made the first move in finding out about studios in Uppsala. This is a big thing for me, I can be stupidly loyal at times and even enquiring about the upcoming studios makes me feel as though I […]
Was attempting to blur an image I’d painted. My problem here was, I do not allow thinks to sit. I went back at it way to early, muddied the paints and made a pig’s ear of it. But that’s all […]
Hi, I’m sadly leaving my studio space and my landlords are doing a dreadful job of making it findable to artists on a budget. So I thought I’d tell you about it here in case anyone knows someone on the […]
A good day at the end of a good week. I was looking for a box of pastels that I am sure that I have somewhere, I didn’t find the pastels, or rather – before I found the pastels – […]
This week on the blog, I calm down and get reflective after a month or two of slightly frenzied painting output.
And actually get around to writing on my blog.
I know. It’s been a while.