Last Thursday I hoped to seek insights into sustaining a practice at the a-n Assembly event in Leeds. Artists were separated into small groups to participate in small discussions. I met with a curator from Tetley and a lady that works […]
I have found it incredibly difficult choosing images thinking of where they are going to be placed. Should I choose according to what people might be most likely to buy or want. Or stick to my favourites. My favourites have […]
Recording a foray into experiments with alternative plant-based materials for screen printing and DIY studio set-ups, whilst seeking inspiration from ancient civilisations and our contemporary Mexican printmaking counterparts.
I’m 48 hours into a residency that’s as focused upon manufacturing timelines and heritage-based narratives as the Fourth Industrial Revolution and competitive strategies. Funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, and supported by arts commissioners Super Slow Way, the Art in […]
This article is based on my own theory about how creative ideas come in a cyclical flow. I first wrote it down in 2016 and I think it’s quite a resilient idea – I have not had to revise it […]
Ahead of next week’s climate summit in Paris, over 300 artists, writers, musicians and actors have signed an open letter calling on world leaders to reach an agreement to halt global warming.
Museum of Contemporary Rubbish is participating in an Arts & Trash event organised by Flora Hochrein of the University of Leeds. Postcards of selected items from the Leeds Collection will be available for visitors. Exhibit #0245 Thursday 4 June 2015, […]
Organically grown research, composition of growing parts, decomposition of all relation. Empathy and respect
” The displacement of anthropocentrism and recognition of transspecies solidarity are based on the awareness of ‘our’ being in this together; that is to say, environmentally based, embodied, and embedded, in symbiosis with each other. Bio-centered egalitarianism is a philosophy […]
” All religions, nearly all philosophies, and even a part of science testyfy to the unwearying, heroic effort of mindkind desperately denying its contingency” Jacques Mondo
In this blog entry I wish to give informative details about my Arts Council funded project and to clarify the direction my research and thinking is going in so far. As a part of my research project I am doing […]
“Sustainability has got capacity to adopt its meaning to the prevailing conditions. It is not a rigid system of rules, not a precept which tells us what to do in any possible situation. Ultimately, what it does is to give […]
“On sustainability: it is a kind of discourse that implies a different kind of social relation. What I mean is, instead of doing philosophy, one is doing ecophilosophy, not in the environmentalist sense, but as the philosophy of a possible […]
Articles & images exploring environmental and sustainability discourses within contemporary practice.
Becky Shaw explores the dangers of the concept of ‘continuous practice’ and gives thought to the key factors that enable longevity if artists choose it.
Although ‘sustainability’ is much vaunted in terms of how arts organisations should go forward, artists’ needs in this respect are rarely considered by funders. Futurific bursaries were developed by NAN to model routes for sustainability amongst artists’ groups and networks in the UK. Here, some of the bursary recipients give insights into their progress, through excerpts from their blogs.
A joint Local Authority, Arts Council and Royal Society for the Arts (RSA) project focused on enhancing the town of Peterborough, through a variety of interventions aimed at stimulating citizen power, attachment to place and innovation amongst residents in Peterborough.
Written by consultant Adrian Ellis as a briefing towards a conference considering issues of sustainability for the arts in a time of rapid change.
This ambitious artist-led project has involved seventy-five artists and resulted in over 100 artworks. Cassie Thompson visits the exhibition and talks to the project organisers.