Missing my Students during coronavirus lockdown
2020 first quarter was shaping up to be very busy in my small studio, where I have been teaching one-to-one workshops in contemporary encaustic wax for a few years.
2020 first quarter was shaping up to be very busy in my small studio, where I have been teaching one-to-one workshops in contemporary encaustic wax for a few years.
This project was developed in response to the Grenfell Tower fire. To introduce the children to art materials and processes not normally seen in the classroom. To give them a visual voice and an exhibition of their art work to be proud of.
One thing after another! Just back from Florence; Delivered my first Art workshop; made a mad dash to Bury st. Edmunds to deliver 3 paintings for the Suffolk Open Studios exhibition; Welsh Residency; first week of term for my Thursday […]
My life is on fast forward again. Well is it ever anything else? So hard to say no to any opportunity and so very conscious of time running out. ‘We only have one life so use every moment’… such a […]
I’m surprised at how quickly I’ve got over that feeling at the end of the MA of falling off a cliff. It seemed to take much longer after the BA. Maybe it was having to go straight into the one […]
1 – Kicking off our a-n funded Future Programme as our first commissioned speaker, Nuno Coehlo gave two lectures in one in April (10th) that spanned seemingly divergent ages and subjects as ‘How Modernism Envisaged A New Future’ via 1920s chairs, Bauhaus […]
Below, surface and above interwoven relationships I have put up work I made on the residency at Ashburnham and am quietly chuffed if not a little surprised with the professional way I have hung it and the environment it is […]
Last week, I ran a series of Peace Painting workshops at Priory Witham Academy, organised by Paradigm Arts, who are funding the work. I worked with Paradigm Arts last year for a series of after schools comics workshops for my […]
I haven’t written this blog for over a month. The teaching term started, and I’ve been sucked into a vortex of emails, admin, studio teaching, not to mention childcare problems, and other juggling acts. We just got back from Barcelona […]
AUDIOBLOG – Please click here The plate spinning was a useful metaphor. What I’m finding interesting is the smashed plate and how I end up seeing it…. And how others see it… “Oh you must be terribly disappointed? No Jerwood […]
Had a bit of a lull in creativity due to necessary preparation of the next stage in my career. With plans of going into teaching and therefore the need to study for a PGCE qualification, I have, over the last […]
AUDIOBLOG – Please click here I am aware it has been over a week since I posted, and it’s not like me is it? As I sit here, not sleeping, again, I mull over the reason why. It is because […]
Does anyone know of any affordable spaces in London where I can teach my indigo workshops? All I need is access to a sink. Any suggestions gratefully received.
This week i was very lucky to be awarded £400 to be used towards gaining a teaching qualification meaning that i can earn while i study for my degree. I was awarded the money from the Sir Andrew Martin Trust […]
AUDIOBLOG – Please click here Is it a “me” thing? or an “artist” thing? or a “woman” thing? There’s not really any balance about any of it, there’s no “everything in moderation” about any of it either. I am a […]
AUDIOBLOG – Please click here I’ve been thinking about the educational contexts I find myself in… have found myself in… and how my work is influenced by my life in education… My own early education wasn’t that unusual […]
AUDIOBLOG – Please click here Thinking about Sonia Buoé’s response to my last post on nine women… Precision. Where does precision come from? My stitching is precise. Now, it is how my hands speak for me, and possibly other […]
Someone asked me or maybe they told me, I can’t now quite remember how it was phrased… “Funding makes you lazy” First off, that made me a bit cross…. Anyone who has completed an ACE application form, successfully or otherwise […]
Damn it! I might have to go and read a book or two. I have discovered myself twice in the last few weeks, assuming the role of teacher again. That snuck up on me. That whole questioning thing… Prompting thought […]
Meanwhile, away from the nine women, life goes on… The funding is going to be great, but I do need to earn money after that. If I removed myself from the possibility of other earning for the duration of the […]
The congratulations still streaming in, I’m actually starting to believe it now. It is a weird process… or it was for me… Having given up my salary and my proper job, I was highly motivated to get this right. And […]
Today is “Take A Deep Breath” Day. Things are settling down after my husband’s special birthday (I’m not telling, that’s up to him). My eldest son will be going back to his own home today. Tomorrow I have some […]
I’ve been trying to work out when things all began to change, Did it happen gradually – so slowly that I hardly noticed it happening, or was it just a ‘Ping – that’s it, I’ve had enough’ moment? I’m talking […]
On reading Mitra Memarzia’s report on diminishing resources in undergraduate courses (‘The future of art education’, a-n Magazine September 2011) I was moved to both endorse the findings and speculate further on the continuing erosion of specialist teacher training in art education.