Capturing Time
16mm Experiments with Erehwon Lab
16mm Experiments with Erehwon Lab
I decided to sort the postcards chronologically, using the postmark or handwritten date to order them. The first set was easy to order by date, and I then scanned both front and back of the postcards onto the computer. I […]
I decided that I wanted to incorporate ephemera into my work, so I bought two sets of used postcards from Ebay. The first set of 40 addressed to Mr and Mrs Benbrow , has 28 postcards which have been sent, […]
I started to think of old connotations of the space and how it was previously an old club; and instantly thought about the mass of people that have previously passed though the space and began to wonder what bodily fluids has touched […]
I have mixed glow in the dark paint with bubble mixture in an attempt to experiment and create glow in the dark bubbles. The glow in the dark bubbles work really well but need to be charged in order for the […]
I have the 3 primary colours and black. I used a straw to blow the bubbles onto the paper. My end goal is to make this interactive, the idea being that everyone gets one pot with a single colour and a straw, […]
During my time at Tempting Failure, as well as performing I was fortunate enough to be invited to write about the performances alongside other artists and also David LaGaccia of Incident Magazine. I wrote my responses to the work of […]
16000:2 TEETH(OF)MY CHILDREN was my second performance at Tempting Failure and the performance I had prepared for as I had known about it further in advance than the first performance. I have previously mentioned the development behind this work, but […]
My first performance at Tempting Failure was ‘16000:1 OPENING’ and took place at Hackney Showrooms on the 25th July 2016. I was fortunate to be offered two slots to perform at the festival, and so I thought it would be […]
Exploring fragmentation and traces