Usa - a-n The Artists Information Company

Job Academic

Associate or Full Professor

The Department of Art and Art History at the University of California, Davis invites applicants for the first of two newly endowed senior faculty positions. The appointment will be at the level of Associate Professor or Full Professor.


Artist Residency in the USA

Hiya all, I have been accepted onto a 1 year artist residency at Cub Creek Foundation to do pottery and am trying to wrangle my head around visa options. Would be great to talk to somebody who has done something […]

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Blog Post

Reflections on two sites

We’ve come to the end of our time in Suffolk County and Felicity and I reflect on our project Change, Chance and Circumstance: Field Notes. What started out as a conversation on Aldeburgh Beach last summer and an exchange of […]

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Blog Post

Round the Light

Felicity and I look at the footage we have of Montauk Point Lighthouse in relation to the one-minute film we made from our visit to Orfordness Lighthouse To the High Light in June. The images we took at Orfordness Lighthouse were […]

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Blog Post

Concrete Nature

On our last trip out to Montauk Point, we visit Camp Hero which lies next to the Lighthouse. Again, the parallels with Orford Ness are striking. Camp Hero, like the Ness, was a strategic military defence station looking east from […]

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Blog Post

Two sets of eyes

Felicity and I have decided to make another short film to accompany the one we made at Orfordness Lighthouse in June. So we spend the time we have at Montauk Point Lighthouse capturing moving image material in and around the […]

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Blog Post

Back to the Light

I feel a bit like a moth to a flame. The rotating light at Montauk Point Lighthouse is mesmerising. I could watch it for hours. Felicity and I return to it with cameras charged and ready. The current light is […]

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Blog Post

Beach clean up

We’ve been put in touch with Dell Cullum a photographer, conservationist, activist and animal rescuer whose family has lived for several generations in Amagansett, the next town west of Montauk. Early every morning Dell goes to his local beach and […]

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Blog Post

A Tale of Two Lights

The approach to Montauk Point Lighthouse is strikingly different to that of Orfordness Lighthouse. At the Ness the structure punctuates the horizon, seen from miles inland and public access is very limited. Here at Montauk Point, the lighthouse isn’t visible […]

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Blog Post

Coastal waters

We meet up with three different people who have long-term knowledge of the coastal waters at Montauk Point to ask about change in the area. First we meet with Professor Arthur (Artie) Kopelman. He teaches sustainability at The Fashion Institute of […]

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Blog Post

Lie of the land

I meet up with Felicity in her studio in Chelsea, New York. She talks about dismay of daily news of Trump reversing previous pro-ecological measures. She is keen for us to meet up with people in the Montauk area who […]

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Blog Post

Birds eye view

I’m on my way to the USA (thank you a-n Artist Bursary!) and this is the view out of the window twenty minutes before I land. It’s Montauk Point, the most easterly point of Long Island, and where Felicity and […]

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Blog Post

Ocean Liners and Great Migrations

The Oceans Apart exhibition at MMU Special Collections Library was curated by Dr John Gibbons from his personal collection of items and manuscripts relating to transatlantic crossings between 1870 and 1940. John kindly met with me last week to talk […]

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Exhibiting in USA – which visa?

Hi there, I want to exhibit at (and hopefully sell through) an art show in the USA. Can anybody advise me on what kind of visa I should obtain for this? I ask as US guidance seems a bit opaque […]

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News News comment

Midwestern blues: Trump, a polarised America, and the curse and opportunity of ‘interesting times’

As Washington DC prepares for the 20 January presidential inauguration and the rest of the world is gripped/appalled by the latest predictably narcissistic Donald Trump Twitter outburst, London-based artist Sonya Dyer – who was on a residency in Nebraska during the election – reflects on her US experience and considers what the new era means for art and artists.

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News News story

In Brief: other news this week

A weekly briefing featuring national and international art news, including: one year on, artist Fred Dewilde recounts Bataclan attack from a first-person perspective; Mexican architects reveal designs for tongue-in-cheek border wall; and details of rebuild of Scottish National Gallery in Edinburgh unveiled.

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Blog Post

Detropia (2012) Loki Films

Powerful film that depicts the aftermath of the Recession in Detroit whilst simultaneously depicting the fading glory of the American Dream. It explores the complexity of the demise and rise of various middle classes and the various struggles and strength of […]

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