NOW SHOWING #197: The week’s top exhibitions
A selection of recommended exhibitions for the week ahead, including drawing in London, painting and print in Glasgow, and video in Edinburgh.
A selection of recommended exhibitions for the week ahead, including drawing in London, painting and print in Glasgow, and video in Edinburgh.
It is a dreich November day, a day when the whole country is shrouded in mist, perhaps as the aftermath of Halloween or just the reality of autumn. I have the chance to escape and listen to Graham Fagen talking […]
Review of The Ways of Folding Space and Flying,
a project by Moon Kyungwon and Jeon Joonho, Korean pavilion.
A ramshackle and intuitive approach can often seem like the only way at times, when things are hectic and there’s not much time to prepare. That was my approach to Venice this year. It was part of a whirlwind of […]
Venice: a series of observations noted on a mobile phone….
Initial observations from a 4 day trip to the Venice Biennale 2015