visual language. - a-n The Artists Information Company

Blog Post

Motherhood: A journey

There’s so much about motherhood that I wish I had known beforehand but nothing quite prepares you for the madness that comes with it. I’m still processing day by day whilst caught up in the wider messiness of day to […]

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Blog Post

Mother as Artist. Artist as Mother.

Mother seems mandatory and has its own status in line with life choices, marriage success and size of kitchen. Becoming educated and having a career separate to the domestic, becoming a maker/artist empowered me to my perceived ideal of Woman. […]

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Blog Post

Motherhood is not one dimensional

This has been playing on my mind over the last 6-months which is when my son was born.  I always knew it would be this strange balance and potential sacrifice that would need to be made by myself as a […]

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Blog Artist


Art and Motherhood: how do we do both?

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Blog Post

Brand new memories!

So after deciding to live firmly in the moment, I’m experimenting with a short video I took in Paris when my lovely grand-daughter suddenly flew into action in the middle of  the Pompidou Centre in Paris. She’s a very talented […]

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