Horizons Are Important
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September 29, 2018 at 02:30 PM -
South West England
I should have known from previous experience that blogging in the middle of a big intense project wasn’t going to happen. I’m looking back, 6 or so months on, at my last posts and my intentions to write here about […]
We walked around our local streets, past the water leak bubbling out the road, Fred drinking from the stream of water running along the curb. The man who lives in the house right next to this water leak was cutting […]
The March of the Artists is a joint project by John-Paul Brown, Eve Robertson and Lauren Sagar. On 29 July 2018 they set off walking the 250 miles of river-ways and canals between Manchester and London, a planned 28-day trip avidly documented on Instagram.
A Walk with Thread and Word for The Margate Bookie September 2018 This is a walk as pilgrimage creating shrines for the Margate Bookie September 2018 Led by Elspeth Penfold. Drawing inspiration from Dee Heddonʼs Walking Library and the book […]
We walk in the woods together: Fred is an inquisitive Irish Terrier who is maturing and mellowing since being a puppy. Rob is an artist realising that these woodland walks are integral to a subliminal creative internal processing. We enjoy walking in local woodlands every day.
June was a really busy month. I had a solo show of my wind drawings at the Width of Circle gallery in Stourbridge. I exhibited six framed drawings plus two unframed and a sound work. The work was framed by […]
I have just got back from Yorkshire where I was showing work as part of Selfscapes, a group show of work by 25 artists responding to the Dalby Forest location and themes of embodied landscape, self and surroundings, self as narrative, self and body and […]
As I am preparing Along Walk to Nowhere as part of the Whitstable Biennale Satellite program 2018. Here a few thoughts, I recently completed a commission with A.N.D. ( A New Direction) titled My Creative school, where ten artists were […]
City Centre 12 May 2018 – A walk from town to countryside (Crouch Hill, Oxfordshire, UK) Walked by Ruth Broadbent and Rhiannon Evans Blake Morris is walking each of the walks from Ways to Wander by Clare Qualmann and Claire Hind […]
Long distance walks through beautiful places, looking to capture what I see and how I feel
During 2018 to July 2019 I am one of ten artists working as part of a project, ‘Surrey Unearthed’ across the Surrey Hills. I am an artist and papermaker and work by walking, collecting, interacting with people and making.
So here we have a walk in Seasalter (not Margate) in the middle of February, not a gallery in sight. Pushing boundaries with Walking with The Waste Land #icanconnect. A Photo diary of our walk, with some commentary: http://elspethpenfold.blogspot.co.uk/2018/02/walking-with-waste-land-photo-diary-mud.html […]
Where did January and half of February go? The last six weeks have passed in a blur of activity. We got the fantastic news at the beginning of January that our grants for the arts funding bid to Arts Council […]
I have been experimenting with how to document these walks. Here is the latest version. Let me know your thoughts! Postcards from the Waste Land A virtual Walk
Prints and Drawings 2018
Coastal walks remembered in this new painting entitled Black Sea.
The recent storm took me again to the shore. I fought the wind to walk on the shingle and examine the rejected items along the wrack line. String, rubber glove, plastic bottle, shells, bits of crab, bits of stick, […]
I set out with good intentions to write regular posts throughout this project and find I am lacking in this regard. I can make excuses such as juggling 4 school runs a day, then school holidays, 3 […]