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Blog Post

Review: Edmund Clark, Ikon Gallery – by Jessica Ramm

For her 600-word review following the writer development workshop at Birmingham’s Ikon Gallery, Jessica Ramm chose to write about Edmund Clark’s exhibition. For the exhibition ‘In Place of Hate’, Edmund Clark offers up the culmination of his three-year residency at […]

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Blog Post

PRINTED OPINIONS/Lubaina Himid (Turner Prize 2017)

PRINTED OPINIONS/Lubaina Himid (Turner Prize 2017) WARNING: Some explicit content. Today I was fortunate enough to attend a Hull 2017 Writing Workshop (Printed Opinions) at the Ferens Art Gallery, led by performance-based British Fine Artist Nicola Singh and supported by Art-Writer and Turner Prize 2017 Co-Curator George […]

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Blog Post

Eldi Dundee responds to Daniel Oliver

  Responding to: Daniel Oliver’s performance workshop: Max Dyspraxe’s Post-Aprokrolips Chipolaterartparty 30 October 2017 Green Rooms, London   See Eirini Kartsaki’s response to the same workshop here: https://www.a-n.co.uk/blogs/altmfa-artist-group-bursary-the-future/post/52517774

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Blog Post

Beam Drop, by Daniel Burden

The opening module of my Fine Art MA is Critical Review, and we’ve done a number of exercises, building up from 100 to 1000 words. The second task was a 250 word review of Daniel Burden’s Beam Drop. I’m posting […]

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Blog Arts organiser

a-n Writer Development Programme 2017-18

The second a-n Writer Development Programme is underway. Over the next five months or so, this blog will include a bit of commentary and plenty of writing by the eight participants.

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Blog Post

Wardrobe Diaries revisited

I did not have the words when I started this blog. Looking back at it now it feels scant and sporadic, and tells me little of what was happening. The lack of verbal language, reflected here, is perhaps why I […]

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Blog Post


So time ticks by… what have I been doing? I guess the reading and writing part of my brain has been quite occupied and in the studio I’ve still been tinkering with small things. I have taken the bull by […]

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Blog Post

Too tired for a riot

M.E. Awareness Day! #MillionsMissing Round Three. Made a card and sent to friends and comrades-in-harm. Would like to do an air drop or a snail-mail post-out to all those who cannot leave their bed, their room, their house; who feel […]

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Blog Post

Writing for Incident Mag- coverage of TF2016.

During my time at Tempting Failure, as well as performing I was fortunate enough to be invited to write about the performances alongside other artists and also David LaGaccia of Incident Magazine. I wrote my responses to the work of […]

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Blog Post

This Wonderful Pile of Dirt

Work is underway on my collection of diagram poems and small “devotional object” sculptures for a small solo exhibition entitled This Wonderful Pile of Dirt which will be on display in The Allotment Gallery at Greenbelt Festival, Saturday 27th August. […]

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Blog Post

Piercing Its Roof

Thanks to this bursary I am having ongoing conversation/feedback with Michael Hampton, author of “Unshelfmarked – Reconceiving the Artist’s Book” and contributor to Art Monthly, Frieze, White Review and Uniformagazine amongst others. As our communication will eventually become a publication […]

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Blog Post

Word Wrangling

When beginning a new series with a pre-defined focus, I collate relevant words and phrases on posits for the eye to drift over and pick out effective and surprising connections from which poetry can grow. Selected words are gathered in […]

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Blog Artist

Diagram Poems

Initiated as a means to share my process whilst working on a new collection of diagram poems for a POST Artists exhibition at Whitstable in June 2016, this blog continues to grow as a library of diagram poems, including individual works and thematically linked collections.

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Blog Post


3 days in Berwick-upon-Tweed for an a-n writing bursary, what a gift. Away from home offers a different perspective on everything – a critical adventure free from everyday responsibilities. Pushed into survival mode living out of the back of a […]

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Blog Post


Endgames. The land of Literature is a fairyland to those who view it from a distance, but like all other landscapes the charm fades on nearer approach, and the thorns and briars become visible. Washington Irving It seems I have […]

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Blog Post

Untitled blog post from "Project Me"

Yesterday evening I went to my first “Enköping Art Association” event, it was a discussion with several of the artists from the current show at the gallery: 8 Young Artists.  One of the artists, Fredrik Eriksson, I know a little […]

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Blog Artist

Budding and Believing

I have so many works on the go it’s hard to keep up with them. So I am contemplating on a better platform to selling work here in Ipswich and the kinds of agency required to sell work and give them esteem. This blog documents a number of challenges in making good things happen.

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